5 Ways to Open Your Heart Today

5 Ways to Open Your Heart Today


My heart has needed a little push lately, some extra loving and a boost of validation for opening up a little bit wider. Here are five ways I have held space for my heart lately:

  1. Rose Oil

For thousands of years rose oil has been known to have one of the highest spiritual frequencies, playing an important role in balancing the heart chakra, opening up the flow of unconditional love. This is something we can all use at a time of massive global shift, awakening and an overwhelming existence of nationwide grief. All that is happening on a macro and global level is also being felt individually, in the micro, meaning what YOU can do for yourself at this time—i.e. elevate the amount of love you feel within and for yourself, maximizes the momentum of love that will flow through our nation and beyond.


2. Cacao and Turmeric Lattes

Cacao is rich in magnesium which is a mineral of relaxation. While magnesium relaxes muscles and tissues, the first place it goes is directly to the heart, almost immediately creating a release of tension, creating calmness within. As a global community we have spent a lot of time go go go going and now we are in a time of much greater stillness, which for many people is creating a beautiful (yet challenging) time to sit with a lot of the heartache we may have experienced throughout out entire lives, and just now are we being faced with having to look within and FEEL a lot that has been stored within the heart. Cacao has helped me more calmly and intentionally sit with a lot of my own anxiety, fear and release in a calmer way. Cacao also contains certain compounds which release feelings of love, bliss and an overall feeling of wellbeing.

Turmeric is super anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants, to say it simply. I personally find turmeric to be a very grounding spice, in food and drink. I love the brand Jahmu for their golden mill mixture and I add cacao and oat!


3. Candles

I find there is nothing quite as grounding and opening as a natural flame, as a simple yet profound reminder that light can always be found in the darkness. In the van I am constantly burning candles, morning and night, and since I’ve been in New Hampshire during COVID-19 I have found some candles throughout the house and boxes that I’ve loved burning, especially this Aloha Bay coconut heart chakra candle. The words on the candle read: “The heart chakra is the center of compassion and love. When you’re hurt in life or love, the first impulse is to close your heart. You must release your pain and love again”. Again and again, we hurt and we love. We always have the option to choose again. Choose love.


4. Succulents

I was at Whole Foods last week stocking up on groceries, and one of the first things I noticed when I walked into the store, as I am sure many of us have at this point, was all of the masks covering faces. As I had my own face covered and I thanked the man who pointed me to the row of sanitized shopping carts, I smiled and said thank you, immediately realizing he could not tell I was smiling!! I approached the store with a slightly heavy heart, knowing that each of our smiles were being covered at the moment, but I reminded myself that this wasn’t going to last forever. Soon enough we will all see one another’s faces and laugh together with our wide grins as we go for the same can of beans or take a corner into the bread aisle a little too quickly, bumping shopping carts. To add some extra joy in my day, I bought a succulent in a cute yellow, white and black polka dotted pot, and I smiled to myself, reminding myself that life still goes on, for the birds and the plants, and all the hearts around me.


5. Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is the stone of universal love. Enough said, right? This stone is important for the reinstitution of trust and moving forward in love and compassion, something we could most certainly use as a global community right now. This is a soothing stone which opens the heart to ALL forms of love. Place a rose quarts on your heart during meditation or hold it in the palm of your hand, breathing deeply in and out, repeating an affirmation of love; “I choose love” “I am love” “I radiate love to all beings”.


Bonus: writing

Write it out. I have always been a huge believer in using a piece of paper and a pen to release, to learn, to find stillness and to come home to a deep place within my heart that can often get overpowered by the constantly churning mind.


I hope you enjoy this heart opening tips during this time and moving forward! Xo M

PS if this resonates with you please share on IG and tag me @findingwilder :)

micayla gilligan