Building My Spiritual Practice (Solo Female Van Life Style)

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Living on the road for the past few months has given me time and space for A LOT. One of the most important aspects of my life I have come to really tap into, love and transform, is my Spiritual Practice. Before you start thinking “okay here we go with the ‘woo woo’ whacky crystals and mantra stuff….” let me stop you right there.

My spiritual practice has become my LIFE practice. It has become the blueprint for how I’ve come to feel super protected, trusting, healthy, happy, purposeful and totally excited about life, and like I am making progress in all areas of my life as well as being slow, incredibly present and wildly aware of how much MAGIC and LOVE are constantly spiraling all around me.

  1. Create a “Week at a Glance” Calendar

I’ve always struggled with consistency. My life has always been turbulent. I haven’t stayed in one place for very long. I haven’t had a week, nonetheless a few days, that have “looked the same” schedule-wise in a very long time. It hasn’t been since living on the road (HOW IRONIC) that I have found consistency in my week-to-week schedule. As an entrepreneur it isn’t always easy to find rhythm and stick to a routine, and over the past few months, I realized I was doing it all wrong. So, I made a change that has totally transformed my life and productivity.

I created a calendar, with categories of what area of my life and businesses I focus on each day of the week.

Here’s what it looks like….

Sunday: Email Newsletter for the week + Blog Post

Monday: Maple and Moon “catchup” + BOOK + IG post

Tuesday: Maple and Moon call/work day + all other client calls + IG post

Wednesday: CREATIVE DAY (art, paint, crystals, meditations, etsy, website…)

Thursday: Maple and Moon call/work day + all other client calls

Friday: Record videos, upload/edit, research

Saturday: PLAY

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At first glance, I can see how you are going “hmmm you only give yourself one day a week to PLAY’ AKA one day “off”….

But I see it a little differently.

While, yes, based on the above week by week it is clear that I only give myself one day of the week to not have anything specific to do, but what I haven’t shared yet is a what my DAYS look like individually. So let’s dive in!

I give myself until 11:00 AM EVERY MORNING to just be a human. Depending on where, I am, it looks different, but based off of my current lifestyle here in Sedona, AZ I wake up slow, usually get a meditation or two in, have myself a dance party, get myself dressed, create a little IG content, and then walk to my favorite coffee shop which is about a half mile away. When I get there, I get a coffee and sit outside in the morning sun. I usually just sit with my eyes closed and feel the sun on my face. I read. I talk to strangers. I write. I play around with crystals. I pick angel/affirmation cards. I channel. I pray. I just BE. I give myself until 11:00 AM to do this, and then I typically walk back to my van, make breakfast and my “work day” usually starts between 11:00 and noon.

Gifting myself morning time to just BE has changed my life. More on that soon.

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I usually have myself a “work day” at the local Whole Foods in town or a coffee shop, or wherever I can find wifi really. And then, I gift myself a really beautiful time to unwind during the afternoon/evening. Sometime between 3:00 and 5:00 PM, depending on how my day is going, I finish up “work” and find somewhere in nature to walk/hike, do yoga, meditate, paint, read or just soak up some sun. Based off of my current location in Arizona this has been an easy thing to do because the SUN is almost always present. I get some kind of movement in and often times park in a place I can just open the doors of the van, enjoy a view, play some music or just be still, make dinner and watch the sun set. It has been a BEAUTIFUL thing to have these evenings to myself and once again JUST BE and exist exactly as I am, in gratitude and stillness.

After the sun sets I often times find myself staying with the doors of the van open as the stars come out. I sometimes grab myself a blanket and a bottle of wine. It’s often during these moments that some of my most intuitive and heartfelt creativity originates. I wind down, and I eventually drive to where I am going to park for the night, feeling as though I’ve truly embraced myself in ALL aspects throughout the day: productivity, creativity, movement, nature…to me, this means I am loving myself in ways that push me in a positive momentum, which is incredibly useful in all aspects of my life.

I KNOW that am not going to always be in a season of my life where I am going to have this much time to myself, so I am really doing my best to ENJOY it now, as well as understand the importance of gifting myself these moments, so that when the time comes that I do have a partner and a family, I will be aware of when I am out of balance and what I need. And what others may need.

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To sum it up….

Having a consistent WEEKLY schedule of what aspect of my businesses and creativity I focus on each day has been a GAME CHANGER for me. Gifting myself MORNING and EVENING time to jus exist as a soul living in a human body has been very powerful, as it is during these times I connect with myself, others and the magic of the universe all around me. It is in times of stillness, quiet and aloneness that I typically find myself experiencing major moments of what some call serendipity, others call coincidence and I choose to call magical divine timing AKA alignment.

If I can leave one piece of “advice” it would be to find at least some time during the day to JUST BE STILL AND QUIET. Even if it is just 5 minutes, it is life changing.

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PS This is an example of what my spiritual practice looks like when am pretty good and planted in one place AKA Sedona. Stay tuned for another post on what this looks like when I’ve got a lot of DRIVING. :)

micayla gilligan