Finding Wilder: the podcast
a safe space.
expand intuitively, listen compassionately. live joyfully. consciously connecT. Be here now.
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^episode with a cause! learn more at
welcome to the show!
This is a safe space to expand intuitively, listen compassionately and live joyfully in the here and now while consciously connecting to the world with open eyes, ears and hearts. We were born to live in love--to connect beyond our differences, and remember we are one. Thanks for being here!
what finding wilder means to me:
to discover living off the beaten path
to take the road less traveled and uncover who you are there
to get lost and find one’s intuition
to go left when the world says to go right
to uncover your own truth
to get lost along the way, and uncover personal freedoms
discover intuition
uncover the light within
to find god
discover what’s natural
connect with ones own innate knowing
reconnect with nature
remember god
remember truth
remember internal wisdom
find truth
find what’s right for YOU
to disconnect from societal pressures
disconnect from who the world has told you to be
remember who you are
live in love
discover personal freedom
create your own way
step into your own truth
find your own peace
connect to mother earth
skinny dip in the salt water
star gaze on a tuesday night in may
dance in the desert alone to the sound of silence
laugh with friends
paint with your fingers because you can
write poems in coffee shops
snuggle your dog
turn off your phone and put it in a drawer for a while
listen with intent to hear
smile at a stranger
say yes to a date without overthinking your future
let your hair air dry
skip the makeup
wear the same outfit for a few days
walk with no destination
drive with nowhere to go
stay under water a little bit longer
close your eyes and hear the wind
feel the wind lift the hairs on your arm
belly laugh at yourself
belly laugh with someone you love
belly laugh with your best friends
belly laugh everyday
smile for no reason other than you simply are able
get the chocolate
eat a little too much of it
write down your wildest dreams
believe that they will happen
confidently lift your face to the sun in gratitude for another day, another breath
wiggle your toes in the dirt
dance in the pouring rain
swim in the pouring rain
go look for the rainbow after a storm
sit in the forest and allow the strength of the trees to mesmerize you
believe in aliens
dance with them under the desert stars
feel small when lightening strikes through the sky
feel big when you remember how far your kindness will go
intentionally witness the vastness of the sky
entangle your fingers in the sand
pick up a stone and toss it in the river
swim naked as often as you can
detangling your hair, gently with your fingers
be gentle with yourself
be kind to everyone you meet
take a deep breath
remember everyone is doing their best
soften into your fears
find what brings you joy
trust your own journey
allow spirit to guide you
believe god’s wisdom
find a faith that works for you
remember you’re never alone
find yourself in others
find yourself in nature
find yourself in your dreams
and awake
find your own way
welcome to a safe space
this is; finding wilder