Stillness is the remedy for indecision.

Stillness is the remedy for indecision.



Space and time alone

To let the energy settle

Like dust particles collecting on the ground after a gust of wind

Stillness and silence bring clarity

Time alone

In nature, especially

Bring clarity

We live in a world that is exceptionally fast paced

Unnecessarily fast paced

Humans bouncing around, blindly, from one thing to the next

Barely taking time to breathe,


In and out



Feeling the breath move in the nose,

Out the mouth

When is the last time you stopped everything you were doing,

Like truly stopped

And took a deep breath in through your nose

And felt your belly expand

Feel the air move through your organs

Nourishing every part of you

Like water to a plant on a heat stricken day

When was the last time you exhaled with intention


Feeling that air leave your body

Letting any stagnancy go with it

Feeling anew


Like a plant, watered

Reaching towards the sky

With gratitude

For connecting to that life force

We can appreciate the heat of life

The opportunities of life

The speed of life

Only when we remember to slow down and remember it’s truest beauty

That we ARE the truest beauty

The sun

The air

The water

The moon

Each breath


That we take for granted, most of the time

Just to get from one place to the next

Living in a makeshift reality of rushed importance

That we don’t even completely understand the why behind

When was the last time you truly spoke from your heart?

Took action that was 100% divinely guided?

The stories we humans most often live out are based on narratives we have been told, or shown

From parents





Media personell

Tv characters


We were told as young children to have role models

To look up to those we admired

Yet how come as children we were not taught to think for ourselves

To feel into our heartspace before making big life decisions

Nobody taught six graders to take a deep breath before telling their classmates “I am right and you are wrong”

No body taught us that we were both allowed to have our own opinions, our own feelings

We were taught mostly not to think for ourselves,

Mostly to copy those whose influence felt powerful

Not magical

We were taught to follow in the footsteps of those whose salaries would buy us things

Allow us to walk a path of “shoulds” and similarities

We were not taught to sit calmly in an open field, with the sun on our faces, our eyes closed and the sound of birds flowing through our veins

We were not taught to swim naked in the salty sea

We were not taught to take our shoes off and feel the mud between our toes

Maybe you were

But most of us,

Were not taught that stillness is the remedy for indecision

And in a world where anxiety diagnosis have sky rocketed

And prescription pills marketed and prescribed at a higher rate than ever

We’ve lost touch with meditation,



Dancing in the street

Skipping alone in the forest

Singing out of key

You were born to feel good

You were born to feel free, barefoot on this earth

You were meant to feel the grass beneath your hands as you lay on your back and smile with your face up towards the sky

You were meant to find stillness each day,

To connect often to the beat of your heart

You were meant to listen to the divine guidance that dances through you always, and comes most clearly in the stillness and silence of remembering to breathe

micayla gilligan