Jan/Feb books and quotes
Jan/Feb books and quotes
1. Mary Magdalene Revealed by Meggan Patterson
“being human isn’t the failure. being human is the soul’s chance to be here”
2. The Ego and the Id by Sigmund Freud
“the ego develops from perceiving instincts to controlling them, from obeying instincts to curbing them. in this achievement a large share is taken by the ego-ideal, which indeed is partly a reaction-formation against the instinctual process in the id. psycho-analysis is an instrument to enable the ego to push its conquest of the id further still.”
3. The Right Words when you need them most by Donna Ashworth
“my child, you are a mystical magnet all of your own design.
and you will attract into your life people who value you,
simply for being exactly who you are. It’s science and nature
inextricably combined, in the most beautiful way”
4. Strength to Love by Martin Luther King Jr.
“the means by which we live are marvelous indeed. and yet something is missing. we have learned to fly the air like birds and swim in the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers.”
5. Modern Real Estate Practice 20th edition
“real estate is defined as land plus all human-made improvements to the land that are permanently attached (annexed) to it”